

Ancient Egyptians Deformed Sheep Horns


Researchers from the Institute of Natural Sciences and the University of Oxford have found the oldest evidence of livestock whose horns were deliberately deformed. The ancient Egyptians forced the corkscrew-shaped horns of sheep, which naturally grow sideways, to stand upright.


Introducing Sphaeroptica: a new tool for visualizing insects in 3D


A new software tool called Sphaeroptica is offering scientists a better way to visualize and analyse 3D images of insects and other arthropods in natural history collections.


Belgian Neanderthals made tools from bird bones


Cut marks on bird bones from the Scladina cave, near Namur, indicate that Neanderthals ate various bird species and made tools from some of the bones. Scladina is only the second site to show that our distant cousins worked a bird bone into a tool.


Mass Extinction Conference



New book maps key areas for Gabon's biodiversity conservation


A newly released book has mapped 35 essential regions in Gabon that require protection to conserve its unique biodiversity. The book was authored by an international team of experts, including Olivier Pauwels from the Institute of Natural Sciences.


How Belgian porphyry paved the world


Did you know that cobblestones are porphyry, solidified magma? In the early 20th century, three Belgian villages were the largest source of porphyry in the world. Two geologists tell the history of porphyry extraction in our country in a richly illustrated book.


Public consultation on the update of Belgium's national biodiversity strategy


Until September 24, 2024, you will have the opportunity to share your opinion on the update of the Belgian National Biodiversity Strategy for the next five years.


Origin and Spread of Malaria: St. Rombout’s Cemetery in Mechelen Plays Key Role in International Research


The St. Rombout’s Cemetery in Mechelen plays an important role in an international study on the history of malaria. The study is published in the prestigious journal Nature. "The discoveries at the cemetery show how military activities and troop movements significantly contributed to the regional spread of malaria."


Monitoring of ship emissions praised for sustainable impact


The monitoring programme of the Institute of Natural Sciences for emissions of sulphur oxides (SOx) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) of ships at sea was awarded the ‘Special Commendation for Sustainable Impact’ in the context of the Greening Award Initiative of the European Maritime Safety Agency. A well-deserved recognition for the impact and sustainability of our efforts to combat air pollution from ships at sea.


Mysterious skeleton found in lead coffin in Bruges is that of Boudewijn I of Assebroek


On June 12, 2023, the archaeologists from Raakvlak made a very special discovery at the site of the former Eekhout Abbey in Bruges. In a medieval burial vault, they came across a lead coffin.