All Wild? Who is “wild”? Confront different perceptions of the wild: exotic? distant? dangerous? untouched? Explore the boundary that separates wild animals from humans.
Meet the famous Bernissart Iguanodons, Ben the Plateosaurus, Stan the T. rex, Diplodocus, Maiasaura, Olorotitan, and many more...
The Earth is swarming with life - rediscover it in our new Gallery, Living Planet, through an aesthetic, family-friendly and scientific approach to biodiversity.
Discover 25 human species which, in 7 million years, emerged, sometimes rubbed shoulders and became extinct. All except one...
Explore the marvelous and complex machine that is our body, its development, how it works, and what it needs to survive and reproduce.
Follow the adventures of Life on Earth, from the very first primitive life forms to Man, including giant fish with formidable jaws, impressive predatory birds, legged whales... and even a little foray into the future.
With its 37 million specimens, today the Institute’s collection is the third largest natural science collection in Europe!
The city is not just pavements, walls and concrete. It is often unexpectedly full of animal life and vegetation!
At the time when the tyrannosaurs ruled the continents, gigantic predatory lizards roamed the seas. These were the mosasaurs.
Allow yourself to delight in the splendid colours and gorgeous shapes of some of the finest pieces in our collection.
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