Network & Partnerships

International cooperation

The Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences is one of the big players among the great natural history museums of Europe, and joins forces with many foreign partners at every level.The Institute participates in and coordinates numerous European research projects where, as part of large consortia, it helps establish platforms for exchanging and accessing data and services in fields such as geology, marine research or taxonomy. It also has the mandate to set up numerous projects on science and society through its museum and its public-oriented services in cooperation with international partners, museums and science centres. You will find details of our international cooperation in the tabs treaties and conventions and international networks.

Belgian Partners

The institute is involved in a number of beneficial Belgian partnerships with public authoritiesresearch institutesmuseums, and non-profit associations and NGOs working in the fields of education and science. These partnerships concern, for example, research projects, major museum restoration works, management of the Belgica ocean research vessel, and touring exhibitions. Here is an overview of our Belgian partners.