Permanent Exhibition

Gallery of Evolution

Follow the adventure of life on earth

In this gallery, you will travel through billions of years of the Earth’s history, stopping off at six key moments in the evolution of life on earth: the Cambrian explosion, the proliferation of aquatic life during the Devonian era, the conquest of land during the Carboniferous period, the swarming seas of the Jurassic era, the appearance of mammals in the Eocene period, and the impact of humans in the present day.

Follow the adventure of life on earth, from the very first forms of primitive life, to giant fish with impressive jaws, giant predatory birds, whales with feet, up to human beings. We even take a little trip into the future!


  • Recommended age: from 8 years old
  • Approximately 1 hour
  • Included in the entry ticket
  • Point 14 on the map

Remarkable Elements

Arkhane, a new species of dinosaur

'Arkhane', the new Jurassic predatory dinosaur, is on display in the Gallery of Evolution!

Cambrian Marvels

Five fantastical creatures straight from the Cambrian...

Sea Lilies

Admire the Sea lilies also called crinoïde.

The Messel Fossils

The most beautiful pieces from the Messel quarry

Magnificent Giants from the Past

Discovering the magnificents giants that once roamed the earth

The Present

Discover the impact of Man on the species Evolution

Animals of the Future

Meet five futuristic animals in the Gallery of Evolution.

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