Other series

Some series are published by RBINS with external partners, but outside of the SPU.

Abc Taxa - The Journal Dedicated to Capacity Building in Taxonomy and Collection Management

Abc Taxa is a series of peer-reviewed manuals dedicated to capacity building in zoological and botanical taxonomy, in collection management and in good practices in taxonomic and curatorial research. It facilitates the liberation of taxonomic and curatorial skills, competences and know-how needed to carry out basic to advanced taxonomic research on a particular living taxon. Abc Taxa also intends to act as speaker’s corner for those experts who have the skills to communicate on good practices in taxonomic research. The volumes of Abc Taxa can be found at https://abctaxa.naturalsciences.be/ as well as at the CEBioS website https://cebios.naturalsciences.be/publications/abctaxa/.

Habitats d'une aire protégée-Lexiques 

CEBioS is promoting the publication of a series of so-called ‘lexica’. Lexica are manuals explaining through photographic plates the different habitats and vegetation types of a selected protected area in Africa, together with some monitoring methodology and lists of vernacular names of the plant species. They are co-produced with local managers and experts and are used as conservation tools by implementing agencies responsible for the management of these protected areas. The general framework of the Lexica can be found at https://cebios.naturalsciences.be/main-activities/capacity-development/habitat-monitoring/ 

and the Lexica themselves at https://cebios.naturalsciences.be/publications/lexicons/


Since the start of the Belgian aerial surveillance program above the North Sea in 1991, MUMM (SURV)  maintains systematic records of all relevant observations in and around the Belgian waters. These results are published once a year in ‘newsflashes’. On an irregular basis multiannual activity reports are published, not only showing the results, but also the various trends, evolutions and developments of the Belgian North Sea aerial surveillance program.