The Institute's Strategy
Strategic plans
The Institute was created in 1846, at a time when the emphasis was on exploring nature and broadening our knowledge of an endless, exciting, and dangerous planet. 175 years later, the RBINS challenge is to make our heritage relevant for our future. Six Research Themes show how this work is prioritised and relevant to society and why the Institute is the place for lines of these research. Two transversal themes highlight our science-based service to society and advisory role in specific Belgian issues, and enable interdisciplinary knowledge and actions for climate change. Our Research Strategy tackles 14 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations. The ~170 RBINS’ scientists are involved in Belgian, European and International networks and ensure a constantly growing knowledge of the 38 million specimens of our collections from which a small part is visible in the Museum.
RBINS may count on important infrastructure, including the new Research Vessel Belgica, a survey plane, large modelling facilities, such as the in-house oceanographic model COHERENS, chemical, molecular and geological laboratories, a wide microscopy park and remote sensing facilities. Other infrastructures encompass our extensive digital and physical library, large physical and data collections, together with significant Information Networks. Our collections are embedded in the European Research Infrastructure DiSSCo, focussed on the digitalisation of the collections in which the Institute is very active.
Research strategies
Evaluation of the Institute