Tania D'Haijere
Natural Environment

- tania.dhaijere@naturalsciences.be
Tania is a biologist and has a PhD at the ULB (2021) on taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography of an african genus of orchid. Interested in the various issues related to sustainable use of natural ressources, she joined CEBioS in 2023. She is involved in capacity building of staff of RBINS partner institutions in order to improve biodiversity management and valorisation of ecosystem services.
Since 2023 within CEBioS, Tania is involved in capacity building of staff of RBINS partner institutions in order to improve biodiversity management and valorisation of ecosystem services within PAs in the DRC, Burundi and Benin. At the technical level, this consists of training eco-guards on monitoring habitat dynamics, and preparing and publishing manuals (lexicons) to facilitate this task. Tania also helps young researchers preparing master or doctoral theses on the above themes in the aforementioned countries.
Research team: CEBioS
Research theme: Biodiversity in a changing world
Ecosystems over time
Current Project(s)
CEBioS : Monitoring of Ecosystems, their services and Protected Areas : the sub-program offers and promotes skills and tools or generates data, which are needed for national planning and reporting to CBD or other MEA
Projet d’Appui à la Conservation des ECOsystèmes du bassin hydrographique de la Rusizi (PACECOR) au Burundi- Capacity building and research implementation with Office Burundais pour la Protection de l'Environnement (OBPE) staff in Kibira National Park and Rusizi National Park
Community-based biodiversity conservation in the Rusizi plain, Burundi – RUBICOM : capacity building of stakeholder on biodiversity and ecosystem services. Facilitating the workshop and discussions on human-wildlife conflicts.
Pascale-B : capacity building "Train the trainers" on biodiversity and ecosystem services for the trainers of the program.
Area of Expertise
Tania has expertise in taxonomy, phylogeny, NGS sequencing as well as classic DNA barcoding and analysis of genetic material. She is also trained in project management and capacity building, as well as conducting workshops around biodiversity and stakeholders participation.
Professional Experience
Tania's professional journey includes a PhD on taxonomy, phylogeny and biogeography. She has a master’s degree in biological sciences (ULB, 2014), specialised in Biodiversity and Vegetation of Tropical Ecosystem, with an Erasmus Mundus at the Dschang University, Cameroon. She performed several fieldtrips in Gabon and São Tomé, and travelled alone in Australia, New Zealand and Thailand. She worked for the nature conservation NGO WWF as a project manager in Democratic Republic of Congo. The project, funded by DGD, focused on community forestry and Sustainable agriculture in the Mai Ndombe region.
Dissemination activities
Tania D'haijère's PhD public defense: Biogeography of Atlantic Central Africa - Tridactyle
ISYEB SEMINAIRE- T.D'haijère (ULB) Le 15 septembre 2020
Island Biology 2019 - Symposium : "Dispersal ecology meets island evolution"
Réflexion sur le rôle de la population riveraine du Parc National Rusizi par le projet RUBICOM
Publication highlights
Tania D'haijère, Esra Kaymak, Arthur F. Boom, Olivier J. Hardy, Tariq Stévart, Patrick Mardulyn. Diversification of the orchid genus Tridactyle : Origin of endemism on the oceanic islands of São Tomé & Príncipe in the Gulf of Guinea. Journal of Biogeography, 2022, 49(3), 523-536. 10.1111/jbi.14324
Tania D'haijère, João N. M. Farminhão, Tariq Stévart, Eberhard Fischer. Novelties among East African angraecoids (Orchidaceae, Angraecinae). Nordic Journal of Botany, 2021, 39(7). 10.1111/njb.03184
João N. M. Farminhão*, Tania D'haijère*, Vincent Droissart, Landry Dumbo Isonga, Ling Dong, Simon Verlynde, Gregory M. Plunkett, Murielle Simo-Droissart, Tariq Stévart, An Elegy to Rangaeris, Including a Description of Two New Genera in the Cyrtorchis–Tridactyle Clade (Orchidaceae, Angraecinae). Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden, 2020, 105(3), 300-322. 10.3417/2020472
Tania D’haijère, Patrick Mardulyn, Ling Dong, Gregory M. Plunkett, Murielle Simo-Droissart, Vincent Droissart, Tariq Stévart. Molecular Phylogeny and Taxonomic revision of the Angraecoid genus Ypsilopus Summerh. (Orchidaceae, Vandae). Taxon, 2019, 68(3), 455-470. 10.1002/tax.12072
Murielle Simo-Droissart, Gregory M. Plunkett, Vincent Droissart, Molly B. Edwards, João N. M. Farminhão, Vladimir Ječmenica, Tania D'haijère, Porter P. Lowry II, Bonaventure Sonké, Claire Micheneau, Barbara S. Carlsward, Laura Azandi, Simon Verlynde, Olivier J. Hardy, Florent Martos, Benny Bytebier, Eberhard Fischer & Tariq Stévart. New phylogenetic insights toward developing a natural generic classification of African angraecoid orchids (Vandeae, Orchidaceae). Molecular phylogenetics and evolution, 2018, 126, 241-249. 10.1016/j.ympev.2018.04.021