Saheed Puthan Purayil

Natural Environment

Saheed Puthan Purayil
  • +32 465311272

Saheed Puthan Purayil is an oceanographer dedicated to ocean numerical modelling. His research focuses on coastal hydrodynamics, coastal biogechemistry, sea-ice and sea-ice modelling.


Research team: Ecosystem Modelling (ECOMOD)
Research theme: Science for a sustainable marine management


Area of Expertise

Numerical Modelling :- COHERENS, GC2 global coupled model, NEMO ocean and CICE sea-ice model.


Current Project(s)




Publication highlights

1. Saheed P. P., Ashis K. Mitra, Imranali M. Momin and Vimlesh Pant, 2021, 'Antarctic Winter Sea-Ice Seasonal Simulation with a Coupled Model: Evaluation of Mean Features and Biases', Journal of Earth System Science (JESS), Springer, 130, article no. 204,
2. Saheed, P. P, Ashis K. Mitra, Imranali M. Momin, E.N. Ragagopal, Helene T. Hewitt, Ann B. Keen and Sean F. Milton (2018): Arctic Summer Sea-Ice Seasonal Simulation with a Coupled Model: Evaluation of Mean Features and Biases. J. Earth Syst. Sci.
3. Renjith VishnuRadhana, Eldho T.I, P. Vethamony, Saheed P.P, Shirodkar P.V. (2018): Assessment of environmental health of an ecologically sensitive, semi-enclosed basin- A water quality modeling approach. Marine pollution Bulletin 137 (2018) 418–429,
4. S. H. Gharbi, , A. M.Albarakati , M. A.Alsaafani , Saheed P. P., and T. M. Alraddadi (2018): Simulation of tidal hydrodynamics in the Red Sea using COHERENS model. Regional Studies in Marine Science, Volume 22, Pages 49–60,
5. Betty John, P P Saheed, Carlos Franca, P Vethamony, Edmo J D Campos (2015): Hydrodynamic numerical model - COHERENS for the west coast of India: set-up and validation. Current Science, VOL. 109, NO. 2, pages 288-300.
6. Vinod Kumar, K., V.M. Aboobacker, P.P. Saheed, P. Vethamony (2012): Coastal circulation along the central west coast of India during cyclone Phyan: measurements and numerical simulations. Natural Hazards, Volume 64, Number 1, pages 259-271.