In progress
01.09.20 → 31.08.29

Regional scale assessment of the land ocean continuum ecosystems vulnerability to anthropogenic pressure.

Coastal oceans are integral parts of the land-ocean aquatic continuum (LOAC). Understanding the structure and functioning of coastal oceans, especially their response to projected global change, thus necessarily entails consideration of the entire continuum at different scales, from streams to the ocean. Evaluating global change effects on ecosystem health and resilience is limited by our ability to capture the adaptive dynamics of coastal systems. Specifically, fully coupled numerical modeling tools that can assess these boundless dynamics currently still do not exist.
ReCAP aims at making a step-change in analysing and predicting the evolution of the LOAC by developing the very first boundless model that represents the North Sea from shelf to its surrounding river-catchment network and from surface to sediment, as well as implementing improved process-based representations of ecosystem dynamics, resilience, and adaptation to changing environmental conditions. This novel model will provide an integrated assessment of the coastal ecosystem response to changes in land- and sea-use, urbanization, river damming, atmospheric composition, and climate at the North Sea LOAC scale.
Belgian Science Policy – FED-tWIN2019-prf-008-ReCAP
Internal member
- Sebastiaan van de Velde
- Geneviève Lacroix
Other members
- Prof. Pierre Regnier (Université Libre de Bruxelles)
- Prof. Sandra Arndt (Université Libre de Bruxelles)