Marine Ecology and Management (MARECO)

Welcome to the website of the Marine Ecology and Management (MARECO) team of the Institute of Natural Sciences.

Our team has a large expertise in marine environmental research in a wide variety of domains. Linking research to policy and management support is a key asset of our work. We contribute to Environmental Impact Assessment, environmental status assessments and Marine Spatial Planning. The team is coordinating several monitoring programs assessing the environmental status of the marine environment and studying the environmental impact of human activities at sea. MARECO’s expertise serves international bodies like the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, the Oslo-Paris Convention and technical working group of the European Commission. Our team can make use of state-of-the-art research equipment, modern lab facilities and a research vessel and offers scientific services including an Artificial Hard Substrate Garden and assistance to species identifications.

MARECO is part of the Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecology group of the Operational Directorate Natural Environment (OD Nature) within the Institute of Natural Sciences.

MARECO is a partner of the European Marine Biological Resource Centre (EMBRC), a European ‘research infrastructure’ that provides access to marine resources, cutting-edge services, and facilities to study the ocean and develop innovative solutions to tackle societal issues. EMBRC brings together 46 marine stations and institutes in 9 member countries. Services are open to academic and industry stakeholders.

Our marine research concentrates on the following subjects: 

  • Marine mammals
  • Exotic species
  • Jellyfish
  • Sea birds and bats
  • Hard substrates
  • Underwater noise
  • Hydrodynamic models
  • Sediment transport models
  • Ecological models
  • Remote sensing
  • Marine geology
  • Marine chemistry
  • Antarctica

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