Laboratory of Molecular Systematics (LMS)
The RBINS Laboratory for Molecular Systematics (LMS) provides a dynamic environment for researchers using various DNA markers for molecular research. On average the LMS is used by 20 – 30 researchers per year.
The Laboratory for Molecular Systematics is an “open” research infrastructure that focuses on the application of DNA markers in taxonomic, population genetic, and phylogenetic research. The core of this facility is an ABI 3130 capillary DNA sequencer. In addition, the facility is equipped with, amongst others, seven PCR thermocyclers (two of which can implement temperature gradients), five centrifuges, an Agilent BioAnalyzer 2100, a nanodrop spectrophotometer, a Qubit 2.0 fluorometer, two fume hoods, a laminar flow, six set-ups for horizontal DNA electrophoresis (agarose), a gene flash bio imaging system, a Machery-Nagel DNA purification set-up, an autoclave, 10 fridges, 20 freezers, five ultrafreezers (-80 °C), two portable dry-shipping nitrogen containers and a GeneVault DNA storage archive. This infrastructure allows for a wide variety of DNA marker analyses, though most applications involve nucleotide sequencing and microsatellite genotyping. Completely separated (i.e. on a different floor) from the DNA facility, there is a small “Archival DNA Room” dedicated to the extraction and handling of degraded DNA (e.g. “old” DNA). This room is equipped with programmable UV light, positive air pressure, a sterile working chamber, and a microcentrifuge.