01.01.20 → 31.12.24
Low Emissions Intensity Lime & Cement 2: Demonstration Scale
LEILAC2 will build a Demonstration Plant that will intend to separate 20% of a regular plant’s process emissions –around 100 ktpa of CO2. This aims to also demonstrate the overall efficiency of the technology, as the reactor will be integrated into the kiln line in a kind of second preheater string configuration. In this configuration, the calcined material is directly fed to the existing rotary kiln so that the impact on clinker quality as well as the energy-efficiency can be demonstrated. The demonstration plant will also show the applicability of less carbon intensive heat sources for the required calcination heat, i.a. the use of electricity and alternative (biomass rich) fuels. The project will ultimately seek to validate the anticipated Capex and Opex for full scale application, a modular design for scale-up, operability and maintenance details, and integration and plant layout considerations.
EU Horizon 2020 project (Total budget: €20,970,635)
Internal member
- Kris Welkenhuysen