
01.01.17 → 31.12.19

The project addresses the evaluation of the economic value of ecosystem services (ES) in UNESCO-MAB sites from a regional perspective (Africa) and focuses on sites from 4 countries: Benin, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda. The expected results will contribute to the transition to green economy in Africa. This project lasts 30 months (2017-2019) and is financed in the framework of a Memorandum of Understanding between Belspo (Belgian Science Policy) and UNESCO to support research activities in Biosphere Reserves (BR).

Visit our website

The economic impact of water hyacinth infestation on farmers (PDF)

Les services écosystémiques au Bénin

video from a stakeholders workshop

Manual about the assessment of ecosystem services in African Biosphere Reserves

Other outputs



Internal member

  • Anne-Julie Rochette
  • Luc Janssens de Bisthoven
  • Jean Huge

Other members

  • Bruno Verbist, KU Leuven
  • Jean Hugé, ULB
  • Steven Van Passel, UAntwerpen
  • Université D'Abomey-Calavi, Benin
  • Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia
  • Busitema University, Uganda

Partners en sponsors