In progress
01.12.22 → 01.12.26

Improving Cooperation for the Convention on Biological Diversity
The Improving Cooperation for the Convention on Biological Diversity (COOP4CBD) project aims to strengthen the science-policy interface by making more effective use of existing expertise and initiatives to facilitate the implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and its Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, within the European Union (EU) and Associated Countries.
This overall aim is to be achieved through a three-fold approach:
- Develop and implement mechanisms to engage scientific expertise more effectively within CBD processes, to inform EU and its Member States and associated countries’ positions and briefing their negotiators;
- Increase access to European expertise through enhanced mechanisms for promoting technical and scientific cooperation, and through targeted capacity-building; and
- Contribute to the development of an effective process for monitoring and review of the efforts of Parties to implement the post-2020 global biodiversity framework and the CBD.
RBINS is involved in this project through three BIOPOLS entities, each focusing on specific aspects of the project’s objectives:
- The Belgian National Focal Point to the CBD (CBD-NFP), hosting the Clearing House Mechanism
- The Belgian Biodiversity Platform (BBPf), and
- The Capacities for Biodiversity and Sustainable Development (CEBioS) programme
In return the COOP4CBD project will help to reinforce the role of BIOPOLS in:
- Enhancing capacities in European countries and elsewhere, as a result of increased access to technical and scientific cooperation opportunities and targeted capacity-building.
- Contributing to informed decision-making within CBD processes, as a result of improved access to relevant experts engaging in CBD processes and supporting preparation of negotiations.
- Improving delivery of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, as a result of improved implementation of the monitoring framework and review processes.
- Increasing coherence in implementing different intergovernmental agreements and processes, as a result of enhanced coordination, and
- More coordinated use of European expertise in implementing the CBD, as a result of efforts made by the project to identify, inform and engage European experts.
4.359.748,75 action grant under Horizon Europe
Internal members
- Hilde Eggermont
- Divija Jata
- Hendrik Segers
- Han De Koeijer
- Jorge Luis Ventocilla
Partners en sponsors