01.01.11 → 31.12.16

Congo basin integrated monitoring for forest carbon mitigation and biodiversity
Aims to improve our understanding of the elusive underlying patterns of the dynamics of African tropical forests: the presumed relationship between biodiversity and above ground carbon stock. In a first phase of the project, carbon stocks were calculated for different forest plots forming a production gradient and covering the different types of young regrowth and old growth forests found in the Man and Biosphere Reserve of Yangambi, DR Congo (Africa). Subsequently, we estimated the forest's biodiversity indices of following life forms: higher vascular plants, selected groups of fungi, lichens, myxomycetes, termites, spiders, flies, bees, birds, shrews and rodents and linked these to the above ground carbon stock measured in the various plots.
Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO)
Belspo project SSD–6 Climate Change and African Heritage
Internal members
- Erik Verheyen
- Patrick Grootaert
- Maurice Leponce
Other members
- Pascal Boeckx, coordinator (UGent)
- Hans Verbeeck (UGent)
- Hans Beeckman (RMCA-Tervuren)
- Jan Bogaert (ULB)
- Pierre Defourny (UCL)
- Steven Dessein (MBG)
- Herwig Leirs (UA)