01.01.11 → 31.12.16

From carbon to fishes
The Congo River harbours the richest known fish species diversity on the African continent. Its fish fauna also represents a major source of proteins for the riparian human population. Despite of this, the ecology, dynamics and ecosystem functioning of the Congo River remain poorly understood. The overall goal of the COBAFISH project is to link terrestrial inputs, primary producers (algae and aquatic macrophytes), macro-invertebrate and fish biodiversity to ecosystem dynamics and functioning in the Congo River in order to delineate factors that drive species and trophic biodiversity of fishes.
Belgian Science Policy (BELSPO)
Belspo project SSD–6 Climate Change and African Heritage
Internal members
- Erik Verheyen
- Koen Martens
Other members
- Alberto V. BORGES (ULg)
- Steven BOUILLON (KULeuven)
- Christine COCQUYT (MBG)
- Jos SNOEKS (RMCA-Tervuren)
Partners en sponsors