Enterprise / Institute Foundation


The Entreprise / Institute Foundation seeks to give young people a positive image of science and encourage them to consider scientific or technological studies and careers. It advocates sustainable development based on scientific principles.

It brings together those involved in science teaching, the scientific community and industry to raise awareness, particularly among young people, about technology, science and research.

The Foundation pursues its objectives through activities organised by the Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences (RBINS), one of the federal vehicles for disseminating science. Its first project was XperiLAB.be, a science discovery truck designed for young people aged 10 to 14 that visits schools across Belgium throughout the academic year.
In the future, the Foundation hopes to support other scientific projects and initiatives, with new partners from the world of business. The non-profit Enterprise/Institute Foundation facilitates this expansion.

Would you like more information about the Enterprise/Institute Foundation or to become one of its partners?  Contact Gérard Cobut
Telephone +32 (0)2 763 16 85