Dorien Schouppe

Public Services

Dorien Schouppe

Dorien Schouppe is a biologist that combines scientific knowledge with a huge amount of enthousiasm and translates difficult information to the public through guided tours and workshops.




As a museum guide, Dorien is mostly found wandering the expo's with a bunch of kids or students trailing behind. Providing correct scientific information and alleviating enthousiasm for certain topics are the main focus. Next to informing the wide public about our expo's, constant innovation and bringing science into the world through various activities like Nerdland are also part of being a guide. Also trying to connect scientists and research with the public through various museum activities.

Research team: Educational service (SEED)


Area of Expertise

Explaining difficult scientific information to any kind of public or age. Favorite topics to talk your ears off are paleontology and evolution.


Professional Experience

During previous work opportunities, Dorien went from scientific reasearch to social work. In combination with a long carreer in Scouting this provides the necessary scientific and social skills to become an enthousiastic guide.